The Effects of Hydration: Does it Make a Difference?
Water is an essential part of life. Water makes up almost 70% of the human body weight, and it is essential for many functions. Some of these functions include the body’s waste system, temperature regulation, the lubrication of joints, and protecting sensitive tissues. However, the importance of being hydrated does not stop there.
Hydration is essential for the cardiovascular system. First, staying hydrated can make pumping blood easier for the heart. When you are dehydrated, the amount of blood circulating through your body decreases. This causes your heart to beat faster, leading to an increased heart rate and blood pressure. Additionally, when your body is dehydrated, your blood retains more sodium, which thickens the blood. This causes the heart to have to work even harder to pump blood to your other organs. Staying hydrated is essential to keeping your heart healthy and preventing cardiac diseases.
Additionally, drinking enough water is important for mental health. The brain is made up of about 73% water. When you are dehydrated, the systems in the brain begin to slow down, and they do not function properly. When this happens, it can cause symptoms of depression. Furthermore, your body will also experience increased stress, which can contribute to increased anxiety. Dehydration can cause these issues to accumulate as a result of your brain being unable to function at its highest capability. These claims can be seen in many research studies. 41% of people who drank six or more glasses of water a day strongly agree that they are very happy, whereas only 12% of people who drank one glass a day said they were very happy. Staying hydrated is crucial to ensuring that your brain is able to function properly.
Finally, drinking enough water is especially important for living an active lifestyle and keeping energy levels high. Drinking water helps with energy and alertness, pain tolerance, and preventing exhaustion. When exercising and living an active lifestyle, it is important to stay hydrated in order to assist your body during strenuous activities. Even mild dehydration drains your energy and causes you to feel more tired. Research has shown that water even helps people feel less exhausted when waking up and working. The study found that people who drank 6 or more glasses a day woke up feeling the least exhausted throughout the week, with an average of 2.54 days, whereas people who drank less than one glass a day feel exhausted more often, with an average of 3.14 days a week. Stay hydrated is a key part in having an active lifestyle and keeping energy levels high.
So how do we make sure that we drink enough water? For adults, the general recommendation from the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is about 11.5 cups a day for women and 15.5 cups a day for men. If this seems overwhelming, it is alright to work up to that amount. Additionally, personal conditions should be considered. Your diet, where you live, the temperature or season, your environment, your physical activity, and if you are pregnant or breastfeeding should be evaluated when deciding how much water to drink per day.
1. Accessed 01/05/2022
2. Accessed 01/05/2022
3. Accessed 01/05/2022
4. Accessed 01/05/2022
5. Accessed 01/05/2022