Manual Therapy
Manual therapy consist of various hands on techniques designed to manipulate and transform muscles, fascia, nerves, and joints in order to optimize movement and function and decrease pain.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial release (MFR) is the application of sustained pressure in layered angles of direction to allow for increased range and ease of motion. MFR can be applied indirectly or directly over all muscles and is an effective way to improve motion and decrease pain.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a form of bodywork or alternative therapy that uses gentle touch to palpate the synarthrodial joints of the cranium and works to release the spine through the sacrum. Craniosacral treatment decreases sympathetic nervous system input producing a systemic relaxation of the musculoskeletal system and decreases pain.
Muscle Energy Technique
Muscle Energy Technique (MET) uses your own muscle contraction in specific positions against resistance from the therapist to change the position of your joints. MET provides a gentle ability to correct joint alignment and improve pain free movement. MET is an effective treatment for the spine and pelvis.
Trigger Point Release
Trigger Point Release involves sustained pressure against a knot in a muscle in order to produce a releasing effect in the muscle tissue. Sometimes trigger points actively refer pain to other areas of the body. With referred pain, patients may feel pain, numbness or tingling in one area of the body, but it is coming from a different area.
ASTYM stands for augmented soft tissue mobilization. It is the use of resin instruments taken over the muscles with the use of cocoa butter. The instruments are designed to catch on any knots or fibrotic areas of tissue texture change and stimulate a localized response with increased blood flow and to initiate healing of the muscle fibers to improved mobility and strength.