Musculoskeletal Evaluation

55 MINUTES $230 • 80 MINUTES $310

Our 55 Minute Evaluation allows for a full holistic evaluation of your musculoskeletal symptoms. This evaluation is recommended for clients with one or two areas of involvement and a relatively simplistic medical history. Treatment time at the evaluation is based upon the amount of time needed to complete the examination. A treatment plan and home exercise program will be prescribed at the end of the evaluation.

Our 80 minute evaluation allows for a more in depth holistic evaluation. This evaluation is recommended for clients with 2 or more areas of involvement and/or a complicated medical history. Treatment time at the evaluation is based upon the amount of time needed to complete the examination. A treatment plan and home exercise program will be prescribed at the end of the evaluation.

Focused Musculoskeletal Screen

25 MINUTES $87.50 

A Musculoskeletal Screen provides a brief evaluation and diagnosis of your symptoms. A treatment plan and home exercise recommendation will be provided at the end of the session. The screen does not allow time for treatment.

Annual Functional Movement Screen

55 MINUTES $ 230

Similarly to your annual medical physical, this screen is designed to assess your musculoskeletal health through standardized functional movement tests and to identify any current limitations. Recommendations for improving your mobility, stability, strength and balance will be reviewed at the end of the screen.

Musculoskeletal Treatment

55 MINUTES $ 175

25 MINUTES $ 87.50

Return treatment sessions will address joint and muscles restrictions, abnormalities, and asymmetries through the use of manual therapy techniques (Hands on Treatment). Other types of adjunct treatment can include trigger point dry needling, ultrasound, ASTYM, strengthening, stretching, diaphragmatic breathing, therapeutic exercises, functional activities.

Trigger Point Dry Needling

25 MINUTES $87.50

40 MINUTES $131.25

55 MINUTES $175

Trigger point dry needling, TDN, (without medication) is used to treat trigger points or knots/taut bands of muscle. Trigger points can be painful to touch and sometimes refer pain to other areas. These knots can be acute or chronic. Treatment with TDN involves a thin filiform needle comparable in size to those used in acupuncture. However, TDN is not acupuncture, a practice based on Chinese medicine. TDN is part of modern western medicine and supported by research1.

Lymphedema Drainage

  • 25 MINUTES $87.50 

  • 55 MINUTES $175

  • 85 MINUTES $262.50

Lymphedema drainage allows for opening of the lymphatic drainage system and promotes movement of lymphatic fluids. It is beneficial for any type of lymphedema including but not limited to: post-surgical, post cancer treatment, post-injury, auto-immune disorder .




For an appointment:

Please contact us via email or phone. Someone will contact you within 24 hours to schedule a visit.